Uncategorized January 2, 2024

New Year’s Wishes

May peace fill all the empty spaces around you and in you.

May contentment answer all your wishes.

May comfort be yours, warm and soft like a sigh.

And may the coming year show you that

every day is really a first day, a new year.

Let abundance be your constant companion, 

so that you have much to share.

May mirth be near you always, like a lamp

shining brightly on the many paths you travel.

May you be true love.

                                             (Author unknown)

HAPPY NEW YEAR! What a year it’s been for your CBC Metro Brokers family — tentative, tumultuous, toughening, yet somehow exhilarating.  Change is forever a challenge. But economic reality has forced our hand; either to adopt our proven business systems or fall into oblivion with those too rigid or fearful to do what is needed to succeed… suffering through change, learning new financing methods, new technology, new ways of building strong relationships. For most, such “change decisions” are already in place. And hopefully, you’re beginning to encounter the financial stability and emotional steadiness that comes with routine and regimen. For others, will this be your year to take charge and build your business. For everyone, stay on course, remain optimistic, but be ever vigilant against new competition, new changes, new assaults to our industry. There are surely more to come.

WHAT I’VE LEARNED. The past year has clearly shown there’s still a rightful place for real estate professionals. There’s even bigger demand for full service — convenient, highly skilled, and consumer focused. Clients will continue to use us if they can see our superior advantages. But to remain relevant, we must shed our slothful habits and adopt higher levels of expertise and service. The Internet has empowered consumers and given them choices, in finding more available listings, but also which commercial brokers they may call to help them.  We must do more than read back already available listing data, to be a walking lockbox to open doors to empty commercial space. We cannot simply list property; we must represent it. We must perfect our presentations and hone our ability to negotiate and close. We cannot afford to lose more qualified prospects than we actually sell (or lease).  We must remember those who’ve used us in the past. This past year has proven that leads management (using a CRM) and providing great (not just good) customer service cannot be optional — that every lead, every prospect, every lead, customer and client count! The past year has shown that business systems for marketing and managing are critical; they work extremely well if pursued every day. The past year has clearly demonstrated the power and advantage of the Coldwell Banker Commercial system as a superior choice for us and our clients.

“New Years Eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moments of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights,”  

                                                             ~ Hamilton Write Mabie (American writer, 1845-1916) 

~ By Marty Rueter